Tuesday, March 9, 2010

hAppy... Tq Allah

hari ini sy sgt happy...
bile happy bertimpa, bile sedih pun bertimpa....
x pela... lumrah hidup...
rupenya aku kuat untuk gone through....

today's class my pupils were so happy... so am i...!!
"teacher, thank u so much..."

actually those words made me fell satisfied after teaching....
they appreciate me and i hope they enjoy rather than stress in my class...
(dak kecik pun ley strees ka?)

em... today's lesson about subtraction of proper fractions... different denominators...
tough la diz topic for intermediate pupils like mine...
i keep thinking how to make them understd and do mathematics in simple manner.

yesterday i drop by Ayun's house....
"yuna, mcm mane nk wat dak pham nih..."

haha, she gave me tips... then, juz now Kevin, Amirul, Hayatul, Lily and sum more pupils smile and said "teacher ah.... so easy... yeah!!!!"

haha, geli hati btul......
satisfy contented and glad.... they love it when teacher could make them 'brilliant'....

clap hands for them.....

"tHaNk yUo...teacHer...." they gave me a present.... card and gift....

napo la dak2 nih susah2 bg hadiah ha....
thanks anyway.....
dio kato aku bek hati nih...
goli hati den ni ha.....

thanks dear.......
thank u Allah......

banyak impian...

1 comment:

NieWanYszNie said...

sronok r dia..
singgah time aku xde ekh..???
xpat jmpe..
papepn tk cr...

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